A few words about us
The inspiration for the creation of the NEMA Concept was our love and respect for the atmosphere and the environment. For us, the space that surrounds us: natural elements, objects, people, what we see and what we feel have a special value. Value, deep and precious that does not allow us to leave it unused.
This is how we created the NEMA Concept. Through our contact with nature, its material and immaterial elements. The NEMA Concept is an idea realized through handmade, 100% natural objects and elements that respect the environment, have alternative uses and beautify the atmosphere creating a feeling of well-being and peace.
NEMA Concept
"NEMA Concept. From the original names Nefeli and Maximos. Our beloved twins who, with their bright eyes, their innocent smiles and their simple and at the same time complex questions about life, made me discover the magic of creation by honoring the simple and beautiful things that nature gives us."
Giota Nikopoulou - Founder
Our Vision
Motivated by our respect and love for the environment, we envision the creation of a NEMA community of well-being & slow living lovers who, through our products and philosophy, will enjoy the feeling of well-being and inner fullness.
With an open mind, then, we observe the truth in everyday life - in the nature of things. This awareness is the source of our remembrance and vision.
Our values
- Creativity / Creativity is in our DNA. For us, creativity represents authenticity, progress and exploration of things.
- Sustainability / We choose to behave as the most responsible version of ourselves. And this is what our products stand for. Natural products, with zero environmental impact in ecological packaging.
- Craftsmanship / NEMA concept products tell a true story with character and unique elements, without filters. They are created with love and care.
- Customer Satisfaction / We truly respect our customers and wish to deepen our relationship with them.
- Progress / We take care of the continuous development of our products and services.
- Social Responsibility / We participate in the evolution of society, producing products that respect every social group.